Gender & Sexuality Alliance

Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA) was founded in 2010 with the mission to create a safer space for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Queer, Questioning, Asexual (LGBTQA) young people and their Allies. GSA has after-school meetings twice a month in the middle and high schools to discuss the beauty and challenges in being oneself, and how to advocate for others.
GSA partners with outside groups, such as Live Out Loud, for monthly workshops and field trips. GSA also increases LGBTQA visibility in school during October’s LGBTQA History Month and organizing for an all-gender bathroom.
Past events include Day of Silence; community service at the Anti-Violence Project and The Door; career-oriented field trips to Bloomingdale’s, AppNexus, and InStyle Magazine; and hosting a city-wide Gaypril Dance.
“If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.” - Audre Lorde, Black Lesbian Poet Activist
Meetings: Every other Tuesday after school in Room 288
Middle School GSA Co-Facilitators: Shánua Rodriguez & Jake Thomas
High School GSA Co-Facilitators: Sarah Camiscolli & Katherine Tucker
GSA Field Trip Coordinator: Katrina Gounaris

On Friday April 17th. 2015 BAL students and staff participated in the National Day of Silence raising awareness about the silencing effect that anti-LGBTQ bullying/name-calling has on the LGBTQ community and allies. Day of Silence participants:
wore a black shirt and anti-bullying pin with a rainbow fist to identify them throughout the day.
remained silent throughout the entire day
students did participate in class nonverbally (ex: writing, gesturing, etc)
distributed small flyers to nonverbally explain the Day of Silence
At the end of the day, students and stafff broke their silence with a pizza party and discussed what they learned and the challenges they encountered while remaining silent.