J.U.M.P. Nation

The Juvenile Urban Multicultural Program (J.U.M.P. Nation), is a student-run, non-profit organization comprised of volunteers attending the State University of New York at Binghamton. With a mission to decrease the high school drop out rate through mentoring, while increasing student enrollment into institutions of higher education, J.U.M.P. Nation helps supply at-risk middle school students with the necessary tools for them to overcome socio-economic issues and gives Binghamton University student the rare opportunity to help support and guide the academic success and personal vision of the youth.
During their stay at Binghamton University, the students participate in a number of activities and attend several educational workshops geared towards providing them with the proper tools they will need to effectively deal with obstacles such as drugs and violence, gangs, sexually transmitted diseases, a neighborhoods lack of positive role models, domestic issues, financial burdens, the lack of proper learning environments, and to help broaden their minds about the world.
In April 2015, our first group of BAL middle school students tookpart in the J.U.M.P. Nation programming. We look forward to continuing this partnership in future semesters.